Racq Thah grew up in rural mid-America. He is much travelled and has had many experiences and adventures helping him to develop his unique and alternate explanation on how things might be; even that hidden beneath established accepted views of our realities. He is highly creative and imaginative, and as such able to develop thoughts and ideas from different angles and perspectives. He tends to like to take risks in his stories and rethink the things presented as the established truths and presently established worldly perceptions. These will be challenged within his imagination and are drawn out in his stories. His ability is as a storyteller, and to give challenge and original material to our minds through his stories This allows consideration and proposals of new, possibly better, explanations of how things might be and might have transpired with time. He is willing to present the improbable and magical to appear as possible, sometimes even likely. Now retired from 47 years in many business roles, Racq is finding time to transform and share many of his thoughts and ideas into publishable stories.